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Enter an enchanted terrain where legends flourish and photos alternate between the recognizable and the imaginary...

1.)  FLAMES AGAINST THE DARK” -  Lynn’s newest publication is a visionary photo journey through the ancient lands of America’s indigenous people. 2.) TIMELESS RITUALS - Chief Little Bear conducts a healing ceremony.  3.) WILD MUSTANGS - Running free in Wind River, Wyoming  4.) SACRED SKIES - The magical mystical Canyon de Chelly, Arizona’s foremost sacred site  5.) END OF DAY - Dark days lie ahead if we don’t act now to preserve America’s sacred sites.

Rare glimpses of endangered landscapes and sacred sites rarely open to outsiders


The enchanted ancestral lands of America’s native tribes are under threat. Ancient traditions collide with modern realities, a stark reminder of the fragility of time and the importance of  preservation. Acclaimed photographer Lynn H. Butler has long been passionate about documenting America's sacred sites before they disappear. Now, with her new book Flames Against the Dark, Saving America’s Sacred Sites, Lynn turns her visionary camera lens on the magical tribal lands of America’s indigenous people. Flames Against the Dark features Lynn's poetic, hauntingly beautiful on-location photos, many taken while on horseback, as she travels from coast to coast across America on her mission to preserve the past, by camera. The book is a poignant homage to the Native American lifestyle and spiritual connection to our earth.

A Visual Journey Into the 
Spiritual Heart of Native America

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